G324: Advanced Portfolio in Media

Electronic format for my A2 Media Studies coursework.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Interim feedback part 2

After re-filming a few scenes and putting them together in place, I asked my teacher if my product fitted the requirement and made better sense.

Here is the feedback:

Point 1 - 'It is unclear that the first scene is a dream sequence. If it was in a different colour to signify the past or signify it was a dream, this would make it more clear for audiences.'

Point 2 - 'It's also unclear that the little girl at the beginning is the older girl as they don't look similar. In the beginning scene, if the little girl looks into the camera this might make it clearer.'

Point 3- 'The girl walking down the alley doesn't really add much or do much for the story. Improve on it.'

For point 3, I need to try and edit the 3 short clips of the girl being followed down the alley so that they create tension as mid points between the long montage scene. I like the idea of the girl  being followed closely, because it is a convention of psychological thrillers, but I need to find a way to incorporate it into the trailer better.

I asked my teacher if the short time of 50 seconds is enough for a teaser trailer for the coursework, she said that an aim of 1minute - 1 minute 30 seconds is more of a reasonable teaser trailer time.

My own feedback of my trailer so far is that I am not happy with it. To improve this, I need to re-edit specific dissolves and transitions, as they do not fit in with the trailer.

Other improvements I thought would be suitable would be to change the colour of footage which is meant to be from the past to colours such as black and white or sepia as it would be clear for the audience to understand that these scenes are to do with the girl's past.

My trailer is still unfinished though, as I need to look at my research into fonts and text for my subtitles as well as create a title for my project overall.

I also need to look at production companies to create my own, as well as finish the soundtrack for the end of the trailer.

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